“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1:4


At FMCC, we don’t take lightly the responsibility of being trusted with your kids. Our chief desire is to come alongside you as their primary faith trainer to help shepherd your child/children towards Jesus Christ. To this end, if there is any way we can better equip or serve you, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Safety is essential: Everyone who serves in the area of childcare has been background checked and vetted by our team. Furthermore, your child will never be alone with a volunteer; all classrooms are manned by at least two adults each week. Picking up your children: Our childcare volunteers are prohibited from releasing children until a parent comes to pick them up. That said, we ask that you promptly make your way to collect your kids at the end of the service. This is a great help to our team.

As you read through this guide and see the different areas that we have designed to care for and invest in you and your children, we hope that you will feel welcomed to participate with your kid as much as you would like. If your child has trouble being separated from you, feel free to come in and sit with them in any of these rooms. We will do our best to accomodate any needs (big or small) that will help you in the effort to disciple your children.



upstairs in the front of the sanctuary building

Hallway includes nursery room and two other classrooms:

  • Nursery: Infants - 2 years old

    • Note: There is a tv that broadcasts the service live stream in this room so that you don’t have to miss out if you choose to stay with your child here

  • Preschool: 2 year olds

  • Preschool: 3 & 4 year olds

    • Hallway does have a restroom



back of the sanctuary building behind the stage

One large downstairs room and one large upstairs room

  • Downstairs: Kindergarten and 1st grade

  • Upstairs: 2nd and 3rd grade

  • Both rooms have their own restroom



back of the sanctuary building behind the stage

Upon dismissal in the service, our 4th and 5th graders will meet behind the stage through the same door that K - 3rd grade goes. Their adult volunteers will then walk them over to the Cypress Building where they will be upstairs in the large multipurpose room. The leaders will be notified when the service is coming to a close so that they will begin to walk the kids back over. Pickup will be behind the stage, but just outside the door. A shade tent will be setup while they wait outside.



Our Mother’s Nursing Room is designed to give mother’s of babies a place to feed their child without missing the service. This room is equipped with a tv for the livestream, a changing table with diapers, toys, refrigeration, and more. Located in the back of the main worship space.

We do ask that men refrain from entering this room at any point for the privacy of nursing mothers. There is a changing station in the men’s restroom. Dads can also use the lobby sitting area to take children while still watching the service on the tv screen.

if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email US BY CLICKING THE BUTTON BELOW